
Here our focus is to build childs’ confidence and creativity to explore the dramatic arts. It helps to improve verbal and non- verbal communication skills and encourages kids to work in teams and to collaborate

curriculum & learning outcomes

Our extracurriculars extend beyond just learning a skill, these are the learning outcomes

Monologue of a Disney character

Channel your inner Disney character, diving into the enchanting world of monologues and captivating storytelling.

A folk Theatre Play

Experience the richness of cultural heritage, participating in a vibrant folk theatre play that unites tradition and performance.

A Comedy Production

Unleash the power of laughter, taking part in a hilarious comedy production that showcases wit and humor.

An Improvised Skit

Embrace spontaneity and creativity, engaging in improvised skits that challenge and sharpen the mind.

Script Writing & Enactment

Discover the magic of written word, developing and enacting original scripts that bring imaginative stories to life.

An Original Play

Collaborate on an original play, showcasing unique ideas and talents while exploring the fundamentals of theater production.

Halloween Costume Design & Production

Celebrate Halloween with flair, designing and producing spooktacular costumes that take center stage.

A Futuristic Set Design & Production

Envision the future, creating and constructing innovative set designs that transport audiences to another time.

A Christmas Musical

Spread holiday cheer, participating in a heartwarming Christmas musical filled with joy, song, and dance.