Public Speaking

Public speaking classes are exactly what they sound like – classes designed to bulid child’s confidence and to teach skills and techniques necessary to command an audience’s attention, and present yourself as a highly likable speaker.Active participation and cultivating curiosity is the key to uncover each child’s unique strenghts

curriculum & learning outcomes

Our extracurriculars extend beyond just learning a skill, these are the learning outcomes

My Favourite Sea Creature

Share your passion for marine life, enhancing descriptive language and presentation skills while discussing your favorite sea creature.

Save the Oceans!

Raise awareness about ocean conservation, developing persuasive speaking abilities and discussing the importance of preserving marine ecosystems.

The Lost City of Atlantis

Delve into the mysteries of Atlantis, sharpening storytelling skills while captivating the audience with tales of the lost city.

My Special Day of Independence

Celebrate your nation’s independence, refining speech organization and emotional expression while sharing your unique perspective.

The wonders of India

Discover the beauty of India, honing public speaking skills while discussing the country’s rich culture and history.

My Favourite Festival

Recount your favorite festival experiences, improving narrative skills and audience engagement while sharing your cherished memories.

My Favourite Planet Lakshman

Explore the cosmos, developing informative speaking skills while presenting captivating facts about your favorite planet.

Life as an Astronaut

Imagine life in space, enhancing creativity and descriptive language skills while discussing the daily routines of astronauts.

Discovering Aliens

Share your thoughts on extraterrestrial life, fostering critical thinking and persuasive speaking skills while debating the existence of aliens.